Peace Hands Non-Violence

September 29th Early Morning Meditation Change

Because there is a two-day training in non-violence this Friday and Saturday, and because I will attend the training along with other Sweeping Heart Zen sangha members, there will be no Early Morning Meditation on September 29th.

Alternatives to Violence Project

The training is at the Friends Meeting House in Cambridge. This weekend’s training is the first of three in the Alternatives to Violence Project.  The AVP began in the early 1970s when a group of prisoners reached out to the Quakers in their quest to learn non-violence.  It looks like an invaluable training opportunity.

Non-Violence As A Way Of Life

I hope to attend all three workshops in the series so I can more effectively help to cultivate non-violence as a way of life in our sangha,  in our community, and with prisoners in Massachusetts.

Here’s a link to the Alternatives to Violence Project–Massachusetts website.  I hope you find the fact that this training is so readily available inspiring.

Here’s a link to the Alternatives to Violence Project–USA.

Sweeping Heart Zen will be back to the normal Friday Early Morning Meditation schedule on October 6th.

Very best wishes!