Tag Archives: meditation

Right Effort

Meditation, Right Effort, Right Attitude

When the men I volunteer  with at the Essex County Corrections Facility begin meditation practice, many find it hard to relax. And many talk about having racing or oppressive thoughts that make it “impossible” to meditate.  Yet, in a matter of weeks, those students who consistently apply the meditation instructions report a greater sense of peace and wellbeing. These students make fairly rapid gains because they use meditation throughout the day with the right effort, and with the right attitude.

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Practice meditation

Meditation, Gently Let Go, Simply Begin Again

Three Misconceptions About Meditation

If you want to start a daily meditation practice, gently take care of these basic, understandable misconceptions.

First, a common misunderstanding is that meditation takes the mind from where it is now, to a more blissful state or place.  Second, another misconception is that meditation is designed to block out the unpleasantness of life.
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